Lindsay Lohan says her 'sex list' featuring Justin Timberlake and Zac Efron was part of AA recovery

Lindsay Lohan has come a long way from her troubled past, which included alcohol and drugs abuse. She has been on the path of sobriety for a while now and has been trying to kickstart her career and recently even opening a beautiful beach club LOHAN Beach House Mykonos in Kalo Livadi, Greece.  

However, this does not mean the ghosts from her wilder days do not come to haunt her now. A "f**k list," which was basically a Scattergories card that featured the names of many famous men of Hollywood scrawled on it, became a public document in March 2014.  

The names mentioned on the list included huge stars like Adam Levine, James Franco, Justin Timberlake, Zac Efron, Ryan Phillipe, Evan Peters, Wilmer Valderrama, Jamie Dornan, Orlando Bloom, Colin Farrell, Adam Levina, the late Heath Ledger, Joaquin Phoenix and Nico Tortorella. 

While Lindsay has never confirmed if these are actually names of men that she has bagged, she was questioned on the same by Andy Cohen when she stopped by 'Watch What Happens Live' on Thursday night's episode. She still refrained from answering the question and plead the fifth.  

However, she did reveal that the list was made as part of her Alcoholics' Anonymous steps, effectively confirming that the names were in fact of the men she has bedded. In AA recovery, the fifth step involve admitting past regrets. 

The list, she said, was never intended to be made public. “Someone, when I was moving, must have taken a photo of it,” she gravely told Andy. “So that’s a really personal thing and that’s unfortunate.”  

It is quite unfortunate that a private information as this was leaked simple because Lindsay is a public figure. And, it wasn't just Lindsay's privacy that was violated. The men she allegedly slept with were put on blast in public.  

This was asked during the 'Plead the Fifth' segment on Andy's show, wherein he asks his guests three controversial questions giving them the levy of not answering one of them. Lindsay, however, pled the fifth to two questions that were thrown at her.  
While she did confirm that dating celebrity DJ Samantha Ronson was her first time "dipping in the lady pond," she refused to answer who among her co-stars was the biggest mean girl on set. She said, "That is an unfair question, because I will not talk negatively about any other actresses." 

Andy admitted that he expected this response from her, as she had discussed this very thing with him a while back. We sure are glad this beauty is living the good life and making the right choices.  
